Today’s album is;
This is a great live album! Redbird is a collaboration between three of my favourite artists - Jeffrey Foucault, Kris Delmhorst and Peter Mulvey, all great musicians and songwriters in their own rights. So when I found myself head done a couple of albums together I was thrilled!
The live feel of this album is beautifully intimate, with a real sense of audience engagement and a playfulness together, with plenty of laughter, chatter and banter along the way.
The album brings together songs they have written for their solo acts and collaboratively and presented in with a unique feel you only get when there is a room of people there to hear you play.
The songs I’m Beginning To See The Light, Ships and 4 & 20 Blues are particular favourites but you’ll love the whole lot - and their other album 😉
I am also cheekily using this album to make a nod to three awesome artists that inspire mine and Jo’s writing without using up all my albums, ha!