Let me start by saying, Dolly Parton is the GOAT. This woman is spectacular in all her glory. I adore her.
This album is my absolute jam. Growing up, I never classed myself as a big country fan but this album was my Achilles heal. In my pre/early teens, I'd pop this into my Magnavox portable CD player and have it on loop while I played Neopets, via dial up internet, on our chunky computer. I felt like the coolest kid in the whole world.
I didn't have many albums by female artists, just this one and Carole King's, Tapestry so they certainly were inspiring, seeing such talent at that level of fame. I never wanted to be famous but I loved that Dolly Parton was just out there, unapologetically being her beautiful self, telling her wonderful stories through song and getting the recognition she well deserves,
When our eldest daughter was born, the midwife wrote on her notes "very unhappy baby!". She was an absolute nightmare to get to sleep. I pulled Dolly Parton's Greatest hits out of a bargain bin (how dare they!?) and had it playing in the background while I was tearing my hair out over this very angry baby, and just like that she was lulled to sleep by Dolly's sweet tunes. We were on to a winner and had it playing every bed time. It actually worked for a few months. Heidi (eldest daughter) would never profess to being a Dolly fan at the moment, being more into the likes of Blur, the Cure and The Smiths etc. For a few months of her life though, she was an avid listener of Dolly so I'd like to thank Dolly Parton from the bottom of my heart, for gifting us a few months of peace in an otherwise very testing time of our lives!
I'm sure Heidi will come back around in a few years. I defy anyone to tell me they don't like a bit of Dolly.